Clinic Information

Clinic Details

The IBD clinic runs on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The Clinic runs in the ambulatory outpatient services of St Vincent’s Public Hospital Sydney.

Address: Xavier Building, Level 3, 390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010.   

Getting here: Click here for details

The clinics start at 1pm and the last appointment is at 4.30pm. All initial appointments are in person after which we offer in person and video appointments. 

We try and see you as close to your appointment time. Some patient appointments may take longer than others and this may lead to longer wait times. We aim to provide each patient with the required amount of time for their appointment. 

Dr Simon Ghaly leads the Tuesday clinic and Dr Andrew Kim leads the Friday clinic. When you attend your appointment, you may be seen by other Doctors who also specialise in managing IBD. Your case will always be discussed with the Clinical Lead. 

GP referrals to the IBD clinic

Please provide a GP referral addressed to your treating Gastroenterologist. Standard GP referrals require renewing each year but indefinite GP referrals last longer.  

Please see the Referral Pathways for Health Practitioners section.


Referrals are triaged by the IBD nurse team. We will contact you if any further testing is required before the appointment date. Once the referral is triaged, we will notify you by mail or phone of your upcoming appointment.

Appointment bookings 

To book an IBD clinic appointment contact the IBD administration team on:

T: 02 8382 2389  

How to make best use of your IBD clinic appointment


  • The IBD team will provide you with request forms for investigations. Please complete all requested tests the week before your appointment, unless otherwise advised. 
  • SydPath collection centre locations can be found here. You can also take your request forms to any other pathology centre.
  • For tests done outside of the hospital, email the IBD nurses at Please let the nurses know the name of the pathology lab used. The nurses will aim to retrieve these results for discussion at your appointment.    

Medicine prescriptions:

  • Remember to ask for medicine scripts at your appointment. We renew biologic medicine scripts between your appointments. We forward these scripts to your nominated pharmacy. Speak with your GP about scripts for all other medicines between clinic appointments.
Video appointments

Video appointments are conducted using the myVirtualCare videoconferencing platform. 

For video appointments, please use this link: 

Click here for the User Guide for the myVirtualCare platform.

Appointment cancellations

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. This way, we can give the appointment to someone else. You will be booked into the next available clinic. The current wait time for routine appointments is approximately 3 months.