How many intakes do you have?

There are 4 intakes across the year; February, March, April and August. All intakes are recruited at the same time. 

How many positions are available?

70+ positions per year

How many rotations do you offer and do I have a preference?

We offer 2 x 6 month rotations. Clinical rotation preference forms will be sent out to applicants after interviews.

When do applications open?

Registered Nurse Transition Program (RNTP) applications are submitted through the GradStart Program from the NSW Nursing and Midwifery Office (NSW Ministry of Health). Please check this website for specific dates.

When will interviews be held?

The RNTP interview dates are usually held in  August/September but are yet to be confirmed.

What does the interview process involve?

We have continued a traditional panel interview which will be held in person.

When do I find out if I was successful?

Successful candidates are contacted by NaMO as part of the GradStart Program. Please check this website for specific dates.

Do you accept International and Interstate applicants?

GradStart recruitment has information in their Handbook around the priority system for International and Interstate applicants. Please check their website for further information.

I have been put on the eligibility list, what should I do?

If you are on the eligibility list and interested in St Vincent’s, you can email us to let us know. If a position becomes available, we will look at the eligibility list and review the application information for eligible candidates.

I want to know more, who can I talk to?

We plan to hold an information night in June. To be included on the mailing list for this event and our livestream Q&A session, please contact our friendly Nurse Educators who will be happy to help you. Contact them on (02) 8382 2363 or at svhs.transitionprograms@svha.org.au