

The St Vincent’s car park is located at 404 Victoria St, Darlinghurst and is operated by Point Parking.

The entrance from Victoria Street is via the entrance driveway to the main hospital foyer and close to the corner of Burton Street. 

The hours of operation are:

Monday to Thursday: 6.30 am to 11.30 pm

Friday and Saturday: 6.30 to 1.30 am

Sunday: 6.30 am to 12 midnight

Public Holiday hours are the same as the general hours on whichever day of the week the holiday falls.

The cost of parking at the St Vincent’s car park is:

Casual rates: Monday to Sunday (including public holidays)

0-½ hour: $5

½-1 hour: $10

1-2 hours: $17

2-3 hours: $21

3-6 hours: $30

6 hours +: $50 maximum (per entry day)

Evening Flat rate: $15* entry after 4pm

* Must exit before close

* Entry height 1.95m

Overnight rate: $50 per night + daily charges per day

Contact Point Parking

Point Parking 
Point Parking Main Office Number: 8382 3896 
Point Parking After Hours: 1300 55 11 31