The PANDA Unit (Psychiatric and Non-prescription Drug and Alcohol Unit) is an inpatient ward for people presenting with or experiencing alcohol and other drug intoxication or behavioural disturbance, together with co-existing medical, drug and alcohol, toxicological and/or mental health issues. PANDA is a vision to create accessible, safe and compassionate care for the most vulnerable members of Sydney’s community. The service is based on the principles of trauma informed care.

PANDA Unit Patient Carer Resource

Our Staff
Governed by Clinical Pharmacology, the care at PANDA is provided through a multidisciplinary team in close coordination with the Integrated care Service, Emergency and local NGOs.

The staff assisting in care at PANDA includes:

  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • PANDA Specialists with expertise in Addiction Medicine, Critical Care and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • PANDA and Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical Registrars
  • Social Workers
  • Resident Medical Officers
  • Consumer Participation Workers

What We Provide

  • Medical, Psychiatric and psychosocial assessment to establish the complexity and range of treatment and support needs.
  • The coordination and provision of non-judgmental, trauma informed care that values cultural safety and places patients in the centre.
  • Liaison and referral to community outreach services and local NGOs to provide a more integrated care plan after leaving hospital.
  • We support the development of strong, collaborative relationships with community Mental Health, Alcohol and other Drug & homeless health teams to support continuity of care.
  • All reviews and referrals focus on increasing consumer engagement with community services and creating sustainable treatment options to decrease the need for crisis presentations to the Emergency Department.  
  • Social work referral
  • Aboriginal Health Workers and advocates
  • A lived-experience consumer support worker for advocacy and the understanding of patient experience as key to effective engagement.

Referral to the Service
Patients are only referred to the unit via the St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Emergency or Intensive Care Units and admitted under either PANDA or Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology specialties.

Patients must meet the following inclusion criteria:

  • Patient with alcohol or other drug intoxication or behavioural disturbance, with co-existing medical, drug and alcohol and/or mental health issues
  • Patient is 15 years, 9 months and older
  • Patient qualifies for either of the above 2 criteria but could be a voluntary patient or under the Mental health Act and awaiting or currently in the process of undergoing further mental health assessment
  • A poisoned patient requiring admission under a specialist toxicology service may still be admitted under the CPT Service

Contact Us
Ph: (02) 8382 3038, (02) 8382 3039
Fax: (02) 8382 4091
Alternatively, you can contact us via Switch (02) 8382 1111.