Heart Lung Clinic You are here:HomeOur servicesList of servicesHeart Lung Clinic For the Heart Lung Clinic websites click here for Heart transplant recipients; and click here for Lung transplant recipients. There you will find up to date information and correspondence from the Heart Lung Clinic for Transplant recipients. We are delighted to introduce you to the St Vincent’s Hospital Lung and Heart Health websites. The purpose of this resource is to provide patients, families, carers and healthcare workers with reliable information about lung and heart conditions, procedures, treatments and rehabilitation. SVH Lung Health Website SVH Heart Health Website Contact Heart Lung Program Level 4, Xavier Building St Vincent’s Hospital 390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Heart and Lung Clinic For all enquiries: 8382 3150 Staff Prof Christopher Hayward A/Prof Adrian Havryk Prof Anne Keogh Prof Eugene Kotlyar Prof Peter MacDonald Dr Amy Rigby Dr Emily Stone Prof Marshall Plit Dr Bruce Walker Dr Anthony Byrne Dr Katrina Tonga A/Prof Benjamin Kwan Dr Yasmeen Al-Hindawi Dr Alistair Abbott Dr Kavitha Muthiah Dr Claire Thomson Dr Nicole Bart Dr Rebecca Pearson Appointments Please contact the appropriate office within the Heart and Lung clinic for an appointment. Please bring your referral letter to your first appointment as well as your Medicare and any concession cards. Urgent Appointments For a VERY URGENT outpatient appointment phone switchboard 02 8382 1111 and ask to speak to the registrar of the relevant specialty.