Referral to the High Risk Foot Service You are here:HomeOur servicesList of servicesDiabetes ServiceReferral to the High Risk Foot Service St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Podiatry and High Risk Foot Services specialise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the foot (below the ankle). Podiatrists work with a team of health professionals to provide holistic, coordinated and person-centred care. We aim to improve health outcomes for people with or at risk of foot problems, reduce emergency presentations and hospital admissions, and avoid amputations. For more information please visit the Podiatry and High Risk Foot Services page. People referred to Podiatry and High Risk Foot Services must be: Minimum age of 16 years Able to access the outpatient clinic Residing in catchment area (exception made in extraordinary circumstances) Need help deciding on the most appropriate service? Use this algorithm. Service Eligibility High Risk Foot Service, people with diabetes Diabetes mellitus diagnosis AND either / both of: i. Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis) ii. Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed) High Risk Foot Service, people without diabetes Either / both of: i. Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis) ii. Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed) Health Equity Podiatry Priority group/s, including: i. Homelessness ii. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background iii. Mental illness iv. Substance misuse v. Not Medicare eligible AND either has or is at risk of foot ulceration (inpatient consultation and mobile clinics also available) Community Podiatry (via Aged Care) Minimum age 65 years, or 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people