Diabetes in Youth Clinic
The Diabetes in Youth (DIY) clinic at St Vincent’s was put together for young people living with diabetes aged between 16 – 25 years.
Our clinics are run every 3 weeks on a Tuesday afternoon between 2.30-6PM. Telehealth & face-to-face consultations are available.
Our team has one of everybody - a doctor, diabetes educator, and a dietitian. We all have a special interest in diabetes and are passionate about making sure that you get the support you need.
- Doctor / Endocrinologist
- Credentialed Diabetes Educator / Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Accredited Practising Dietitian

Visits are covered by Medicare and are free. You’ll be able to connect with any of our team members during your visit.
What should I expect?
You’ll get to know our team members during your time with us. Each clinic, you’ll spend time with a Doctor, but you can also check in with a Diabetes Educator and Dietitian, depending on what you’d like to cover that day.
Before each clinic it is helpful for you to do your HbA1c blood test to see how your diabetes is tracking. We would generally measure your weight, chat through your blood glucose data, and measure blood pressure at each visit - this helps us support your diabetes and physical health.
To help keep you fit and healthy, it is recommended that you have visits every 3 months.
Where are we?
We are based in the St Vincent’s Hospital Diabetes Centre. This is located within the Garvan Institute - 384 Victoria St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010.

Contact Us
If you need to connect with us between your appointments, you can reach us on:
Email: svhs.diy@svha.org.au
Phone: 8382 2622 (Available from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Fridays - we’re here to help.)
In an emergency, please contact: St Vincent's Hospital Switchboard (24 hour service) on 02 8382 1111 - ask to speak to the diabetes doctor on call, and inform the doctor that you attend the Diabetes in Youth Clinic.