Anaesthetic Department

Anaesthesia is the giving of medications by injection or inhalation that allows surgery to be performed safely and painlessly. This may be done with:

  • Local Anaesthesia
  • Regional Anaesthesia (nerve block, epidural, spinal)
  • Sedation
  • General Anaesthesia

Our Anaesthetic Department is dedicated to patient care before, during and after surgery or other invasive procedure.. This involves your assessment for anaesthesia and surgery and also the provision of safe anaesthesia and/or sedation during surgery. Our team supervises and runs post-operative pain management as well as anaesthesia and sedation for interventional procedures (Gastroenterology, Cardiology and Radiology).


What process may occur with anaesthetic?

You may attend the pre-anaesthetic clinic before your surgery where an assessment is made in consultation with you. Your Anaesthetist may order some blood tests and other tests. You may be required to fast before your arrival to hospital. Your medication planning will be managed on the day of your surgery.


Anaesthetics Department

Phone: 02 8382 3200

Fax: 02 8382 3981 



Director – Dr Michelle Moyle

Deputy Director – Dr Erez Ben-Menachem

Supervisor of Training  Dr Rebecca Wood

Deputy Supervisor of Training  Dr James Yeates

Deputy Supervisor of Training  Dr Rachel Ruff