Podiatry and High Risk Foot Service

St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Podiatry and High Risk Foot Services specialise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the foot (below the ankle). Podiatrists work with a team of health professionals to provide holistic, coordinated and person-centred care. We aim to improve health outcomes for people with or at risk of foot problems, reduce emergency presentations and hospital admissions, and avoid amputations.

For referral to Podiatry and High Risk Foot Services, please see the eligibility criteria for each service below. 

Need help deciding on the most appropriate service? Use this algorithm.


Service   Eligibility

High Risk Foot Service, people with diabetes

  Diabetes mellitus diagnosis AND either / both of:
i. Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis)
ii. Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed)

High Risk Foot Service, people without diabetes

  Either / both of:
i. Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis)
ii. Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed)
Health Equity Podiatry  

Priority group/s, including:
i. Homelessness
ii. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
iii. Mental illness
iv. Substance misuse
v. Not Medicare eligible

AND either has or is at risk of foot ulceration
(inpatient consultation and mobile clinics also available)

Community Podiatry (via Aged Care)   Minimum age 65 years, or 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


High Risk Foot Service: people with diabetes

St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney offers an interdisciplinary “one-stop shop” for people with complicated foot conditions related to diabetes. Our core team includes a Senior Podiatrist, Endocrinologist, Registrar, Diabetes Educator and Dietitian. An Orthopaedic Surgeon, Vascular Surgeon, Infectious Diseases Physician, Rehabilitation Specialist and/or Pedorthist provide input as required. Further, care can be extended to other subspecialty and allied health teams. This approach reduces time spent attending separate appointments and improves care coordination between the different health services.

Referrals accepted from: General Practitioners, Specialists and Podiatrists


  1. Minimum age 16 years
  2. Able to access the outpatient clinic
  3. Residing in catchment area (exception made in extraordinary circumstances)
  4. Diabetes mellitus diagnosis
  5. Either / both of:
    • Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis)
    • Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed)

How to refer:

Step 1: Compile relevant information including:

  • Patient details and current contact details
  • Referral reason including duration of complication, mechanism of injury and previous treatment 
  • Medical history including type of diabetes, other comorbidities, current medications and recent HbA1c
  • Relevant investigations (e.g. blood tests, culture results, radiology reports)
  • Whether the person requires a translator, assistance to transfer, or a person responsible / carer to be present


Step 2: Make referral:

Email referral to SVHS.HRFS@svha.org.au (preferred) or fax (02) 8382 3327 AND if urgent (ulceration with infection and/or ischaemia, and/or active Charcot foot) escalate as below:

  • Office hours (8.00am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri, excluding public holidays) – call the Podiatrist on 0436 652 700
  • Out of office hours – call the hospital switchboard on (02) 8382 1111 and ask to speak to the Endocrine Registrar on-call


Step 3: Triage:

Referrals are triaged by a Podiatrist according to urgency.
We will contact the patient directly to arrange an appointment.


High Risk Foot Service: people without diabetes

St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney offers podiatric services for people with active foot disease who do not have diabetes. Input from other subspecialty and allied health teams is sought as needed. Additionally, Podiatrists may coattend appointments in Vascular Surgery, Fracture and Rehabilitation Clinics to streamline interdisciplinary care.

Referrals accepted from: General Practitioners, Specialists and Podiatrists


  1. Minimum age 16 years
  2. Able to access the outpatient clinic
  3. Residing in catchment area (exception made in extraordinary circumstances)
  4. Either / both of:
    • Foot ulceration (acute or chronic) with or without infection (i.e. soft tissue, osteomyelitis)
    • Active Charcot foot (suspected or diagnosed)

How to refer 

Step 1: Compile relevant information including:

  • Patient details and current contact details
  • Referral reason including duration of complication, mechanism of injury and previous treatment 
  • Medical history including type of diabetes, other comorbidities, current medications and recent HbA1c
  • Relevant investigations (e.g. blood tests, culture results, radiology reports)
  • Whether the person requires a translator, assistance to transfer, or a person responsible / carer to be present


Step 2: Make referral:

Email referral to SVHS.HRFS@svha.org.au (preferred) or fax (02) 8382 3327 AND if urgent (ulceration with infection and/or ischaemia, and/or active Charcot foot) escalate as below:

  • Office hours (8.00am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri, excluding public holidays) – call the Podiatrist on 0436 652 700
  • Out of office hours – present to the Emergency Department


Step 3: Triage:

Referrals are triaged by a Podiatrist according to urgency.
We will contact the patient directly to arrange an appointment.


Health Equity Podiatry

Health Equity Podiatry has a focus on delivering foot care to people who experience barriers accessing other podiatry services. Through partnership with other supporting services, person-centred care is provided in a familiar and culturally safe setting. Health Equity Podiatry particularly caters to people experiencing homelessness, people of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, and people with mental illness or substance misuse issues. 

Foot assessment and treatment is provided on a ‘walk-in’ basis as part of the St Vincent's Mobile Health Clinic at various locations. Referrals are accepted for inpatient consultation and appointments can also be scheduled in a dedicated clinic space at the Sacred Heart Health Service. If active foot complications are identified, Health Equity Podiatry can continue to coordinate care and help navigate necessary investigations and interdisciplinary management.

Referrals accepted from: Any clinician, support staff, or by ‘walk-in’ (self-referral)


  1. Minimum age 18 years
  2. Priority group/s
  3. i. Homelessness
    ii. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
    iii. Mental illness
    iv. Substance misuse
    v. Not Medicare eligible
  4. Ambulant outpatient or inpatient
  5. Any geographical area provided willing and able to attend clinic as required


How to access:

Step 1: Complete Community & Ambulatory Services Referral form:

  • Ensure patient/representative contact details are current
  • Under Services Required select ‘Community Podiatry Service’


Step 2: Make referral:

Email form to svhs.orc@svha.org.au AND if urgent (foot ulceration, suspected foot infection, suspected active Charcot foot) escalate as below:

  • Office hours (8.00am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri, excluding public holidays) – call the Podiatrist on 0436 645 700 and request Health Equity Podiatry
  • Out of office hours – consider advising Emergency Department presentation


Step 3: Triage:

  • Referrals are triaged by a Podiatrist according to urgency.
  • We will contact the patient/representative directly to arrange an appointment.

For other enquiries, please call 0436 654 700 or email both SVHS.IHPodiatrist@svha.org.au AND SVHS.HRFS@svha.org.au.


Community Podiatry

The Community Podiatry service provides care and treatment to people who are unable to care for their own feet. The service includes an assessment to determine your risk of developing foot problems, and regular treatment to help prevent such problems from occurring. 

This service provides podiatric care to people who have a referral through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). CHSP helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home via My Aged Care (MAC). 

Referrals accepted from: My Aged Care


  • Minimum age 65 years, or 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Able to access the outpatient clinic
  • Level 1 or Level 2 My Aged Care Package
  • Residing in catchment area 

How to access:

Step 1: Contact My Aged Care to start the referral process:


Step 2: My Aged Care requires a face-to-face assessment to determine eligibility and ensure that the right services are made available to those that need them.

The assessment is normally at your home but can be arranged at another location in some circumstances.

If you would like to access podiatry from our service, please request St Vincent’s Podiatry as the service provider.

Home visits are determined on a case-by-case basis by a Podiatrist and are only available for people who are completely housebound with additional supporting evidence from a GP or specialist.


Step 3: Once the referral is received, the Community Podiatry service will contact you to arrange an initial appointment.

For other enquiries, please call (02) 8382 3178 or email SVHS.Podiatry@svha.org.au.