St Vincent’s partnership driving workforce inclusivity

St Vincent’s partnership driving workforce inclusivity

28 Nov 2022

Administration Officer Chelsea Thomas joined the St Vincent’s family to help our organisation respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting in the COVID-19 Administration team, Chelsea transitioned to St Vincent’s through the organisation’s partnership with Jigsaw, a social enterprise who provide training and employment opportunities people living with a disability. 

Working in the main hospital foyer 2-3 days a week, when the hospital began transitioning to ‘COVID  normal’ operations, and entry screening was scheduled to cease, Chelsea’s desire to stay at St Vincent’s led to her to find new opportunities within the hospital with support from her manager. 

At first Chelsea was unsure of her new role in the Drug and Alcohol Telehealth Service, but she was well supported by the team throughout her trial period, giving her an opportunity to see if she felt the new role was a good fit for her. 

With her managers support, Chelsea covered not only the administration role she was trialling but also took on higher administration work to cover a vacancy, and assisted with training her new colleague once the position was filled. 

Now permanent in the Drug and Alcohol Telehealth team 2 days per week, Chelsea still works in the COVID screening role 2-3 days, and is keen to find new opportunities in St Vincent’s once COVID screening comes to an end. 

Chelsea says, “I love working here. Going through Jigsaw built up my confidence and opened me up, and when I came in to St Vincent’s to do the COVID admin, at first I was more back-end computer based work. Then I was asked if I wanted to do front entrance, patient facing work in the screening section. And I thought it would be good for my confidence to talk with patients and visitors. And I love it, my confidence has grown so much since I started working here. 

I’ve built good relationships. When I first started I didn’t know how I was going to go, but I have support in both roles, and I love it here”.



Chelsea Thomas