Dr Stephen Sanchez Awarded Esteemed Prize

Dr Stephen Sanchez Awarded Esteemed Prize

19 Jul 2024

Anaesthetics Registrar Dr Steph Sanchez has recently been awarded the Cecil Gray Prize, the most prestigious award for early career anaesthetists.

Awarded by Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the prize recognises the trainee who achieves the highest marks in the final ANZCA exam, and is only awarded to candidates who reach a standard considered by the examiners to be sufficiently high enough to justify it. 

“Preparing for the fellowship exam was challenging. I studied for about 9 months prior, the last 6 months of which were very intense”, Stephen said.

A notoriously difficult exam to pass, it’s not uncommon for trainees to have to re-sit their ANZCA exam, and sometimes the Cecil Gray Prize is not awarded at all - a testament to Stephen’s achievement. 

Stephen says the support and mentorship he received in the department was pivotal. “I studied with my colleagues - my fellow Vinnies trainees, we supported each other through this long process”. 

All three St Vincent’s trainees passed their exam this year, and despite the elite nature of this award, Stephen is now our third Cecil Gray Prize winning Anaesthetists here at St Vincent’s. 

“It’s very rewarding. It’s really something that can distinguish you in the profession”, Stephen said.

Stephen Sanchez

Dr Stephen Sanchez