Stimulant Treatment Line

St Vincent’s Stimulant Treatment Line (STL) is a NSW state-wide telephone service providing education, information, referral, crisis counselling and support specifically for stimulant use such as speed, ice, ecstasy, cocaine etc.

STL also supports the Stimulant Treatment Program (STP), an innovative program that deals with stimulant use. The Stimulant Treatment Program runs Monday to Friday, but the Stimulant Treatment Line operates 24 hours, 7 days a week, and has access to a database with over 2200 Drug and Alcohol related services across NSW.

All calls are confidential and anonymous.

Contact Us

St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Sydney Metropolitan:    02 8382 8088
Regional & rural NSW:    free call *  1800 10 11 88

* Please note- Freecall numbers are not free from mobile phones, except Telstra mobiles

Frequently Asked Questions

Is STL confidential?

Yes. Callers are not identified or recorded. Like all health workers we must report any calls regarding child abuse to Community Services. We have a duty of care to protect callers and others from harm, for example if someone is suicidal or violent. We are also obliged to report serious crimes that are reported to us.

Are the calls recorded?


Does my number come up on the phone when I call? 


What drugs can STL tell me about? 

Stimulants including amphetamines; methamphetamines such as ice, crystal and speed; MDMA; cocaine.

Can STL tell me about prescription drugs? 

No, STL staff are not pharmacists or medical practitioners. If you need detailed information about prescribed medications please contact your prescribing doctor, pharmacist, medication manufacturer or the Medicines Line, 1300 888 763.
However, if you are experiencing problems with misusing your prescription medication, STL are happy to provide information, support or counselling to you.

In the case of emergency please seek emergency treatment by calling 000 or call Poisons Information on 13 11 26

If I talk to someone at STL is it kept on record? 

We will not ask your name, or any identifying information, unless you would like us to contact you later for follow up. We may ask for information including your postcode, or age range for the purposes of service planning, however you don’t have to give this information if you don’t want to.