Mental Health Caregiver Resources

Online Resources and Fact Sheets 

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists – Your Health in Mind

RANZCP run a website for carers with useful information and fact sheets about different mental health disorders 


Caring for someone with a mental illness fact sheet: 

Bipolar Disorder Guide: 


Lifeline Carers Toolkit: A self-help resource to help people living with mental illness 

Medication information – NPS Medicinewise 

NPS Medicinewise is hosted by Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and provides information on prescribed medications in Australia. 

Consumers can use the ‘Medicine Finder’ function to find information on prescribed medications 

WayAhead Directory Mental health Act carer Factsheet 

Carers NSW Resources

Accessing mental Health Care info sheet:

NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program

The NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program is a state wide program to improve the wellbeing of families and carers of people with mental health conditions.

Note that there is no current services ran in Eastern Sydney but still useful to keep in mind and see what is available. 

Psychosis factsheets: 

Transcultural Mental Health Centre
Translated fact sheets and language specific carer groups: 

Resources, drop in mental health support via phone and online for people living with mental illness and their families: 

List of referral pathways: 

Contact numbers

Carer Gateway:  1800 422 737 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm)

National Mental Health Carer Helpline: 1300 554 660 
Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 (24/7) 
Transcultural Mental Health Line: 1800 648 911

Support groups and Forums

Carers NSW
Carers NSW have a range of groups and wellbeing workshops that are run I person and online across NSW for all types of carers.
Here is where you can locate a calendar of the events: 

CESPHN funded Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Drug and Alcohol and After Hours Services and Programs: 

One Door
One Door is a mental health support organisation that have various supports and groups for both people living with mental illness and caregivers of people living with mental illness

Here is a list of the support groups around: 

Note there are no groups ran within the St Vincent’s catchment area but they do offer these two online support groups 
Blokes Talk for Male Carers- 3rd Wednesday each month 12noon-1pm
Mental Health Carers Support Group Online Mental Health Carers- 3rd Tuesday each month - 5.30pm - 6.30pm Online

Carers will need to contact the designated contact person for each group which is found by clicking the link above.